Vinyl Mastering

The special sound of a record!

To get the maximum out of the audio range of a record, there have to be some attention to the requirements of the vinyl mastering. With the frequency bandwith between 5 Hz and 25kHz the vinyl record has quite more abilities as any digital system. And yet there are big differences in the playback of low and high frequencies depending on the scanning abilities of the audio systems. The high frequencies reproduction decreases more or less proportional to the quality and sort of the audio system, the more you get close to the inner part of the record. You should focus again on the tracklisting before You want to begin with the vinyl mastering. The main tracks or them with more treble prone or strong attack sounds are preferably placed more on the outer areas. Not only that: It is also important that frequency bandwith, dynamics and phase correlation are in a range, that will not cause any trouble in the cutting process. Therefore a vinyl-mastering is pretty much different to the process for digital media. To make sure that there are no bad surprises on the record, it is necessary for the engineers to know, that he is doing his work for a Vinyl-Mastering!


→ Here you’ll find a helpful article about Vinyl Mastering, written by Rainer Maillard from Emil-Berliner-Studios.

→ In our glossary you will find more information around Vinyl

Our Services | Vinyl-Mastering

  • Sound optimizing
  • Loudness processing
  • Tracklisting
  • Stereobase bandwith
  • Levelling